Friday 23 October 2015

Film And Literature Reviews: On Top of the Rainbow by K. Meador

On Top of the Rainbow by K. Meador

When you pick up a kids book there are really two audiences that you have to be aware of—the parents and the kids. I’ve divided this blog into two sections for these respective audiences so that we cover all the audiences involved.

On Top of the Rainbow for Adults

The aspects of a book that make it “really good” are the plot, character development, or really juicy twists you didn’t see coming, but for kid’s books the main concern is the overall message that the book will instill upon the child who is hearing or reading the book. With this in mind I would say that the values that the author is highlighting in this book is the importance of family. Family is the number one thing in the main characters life and this value is pushed throughout the book, it even includes furbabies as part of the family too.

On Top of the Rainbow for Kids

For kids, a book needs to have more than just strong family values. A book needs to have character development & growth, good illustrations, and an interesting plot to keep them interested. This book has all these things and more. One thing I liked about this book for young audiences is that the plot was simple and the motives of the characters were apparent. (I think that a lot of books try to write in super complicated characters or motives to prove a bigger point that isn’t apparent, but that conversation is for another time). I also liked that the story had a couple of mythological creatures that were concerned for the protagonist’s overall well-being. A lot of times when people write about mythological creatures they are usually the tricksters in the plot, which gives kids scary ideas about what could be out there—but this is not the case. Not only will kids definitely pick up the idea that family is an important part of life, but there is also conflict resolution that kids can relate to. The pictures were one of my favorite parts too—so pretty.

Overall, I think that this book is a really good choice for kids. It's a well written, wholesome book that is easy to follow for kids while also showing them the importance of family. It also has enough fun imagery and plot to keep kids interested in what is going on without being distracted by outside sources. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who has a young kid in their life who loves to read.

You can purchase On Top of the Rainbow or any other of K. Meador's books from her amazon page.

GL Chapple Cover Reveal Freed by Him

Title: Freed by Him
Series: Fighting Free Series
Author: GL Chapple
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Suspense
Release date: November 19th 2015


He hurt me
He broke me
He almost destroyed me
Nobody was ever going to do that to me again. I learnt to fight back. I made myself tougher, harder, stronger. I didn't want or need anyone.
Until Nate Masters.
Until he made me feel, want and need
Then my carefully constructed world began falling apart around me. Secrets shattering my faith in those closest to me and with the nightmare from my past pushing its way back into my present, I don't know how much strength I have left to fight with…
Could I trust him? Give someone the power to hurt me again? He's determined to break me free from behind my walls of self preservation
I'm just not sure I'm ready or willing to be Freed by Him....

I’m currently a SAHM to two little ones. I live in Wales in the UK and spend a huge amount of time at the beach, despite our climate…
I don’t drink any hot drinks despite trying my best to make myself like coffee! I love reading – obviously, writing and music, and hot sunny days which we never get enough of!
I’ve dreamed of writing my whole life and would often pen short stories as a child. Unfortunately, life took over and reading and writing were forced to take a back seat for the last few years. Until my husband bought me a kindle last Christmas, and well, suddenly everything changed…
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